I am beginning to think that I may lose my mind before my little man decides he will take his milk out of a sippy cup! I have to remind myself that, along with trying to transition to a sippy cup, his tummy is trying to adjust to whole milk and table food. He will take his milk out of a sippy cup if he is eating in his high chair, but only if we offer it to him after he has had several bites of food. However, when he is finished with his meal, and we move to the couch (the transition we would make after every meal of baby food for him to take his bottle), he refuses to finish his milk out of a sippy cup. He cries and cries and cries! If I put the milk in a bottle, it disappears like he has been thirsty for hours! But even then, he would prefer warmed milk to cold milk. He will drink water and juice from a sippy cup while playing in the living room without issues. My little man may just drive me to the crazy house.
On the flip side - I have to remember that each and every day he is changing, growing, and learning new things. I also have to remember that I have trouble with change, so, why wouldn't my little man have trouble with change. In his little mind, transition from high chair to couch means he will get a warm bottle of formula - not a cold sippy cup of whole milk. Objection to change without warning begins EARLY! With repetition, and patience on my part, he will eventually take his cold milk out of a sippy cup. In the mean time, I need to slow down, breathe, and enjoy my snuggle time!
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