
Book Blast: I'm Not Crazy, I'm on Lupron by Stacey Rourke

According to CDC, infertility effects 11% of women in the US. Author Stacey Rourke shares her own journey in her new book:

Basal body temperatures. Hormone injections. Invasive procedures - that leave no room for modesty. Tips on “effective positions” from well-meaning grandparents. 

When the natural way fails to work these are all added to the so called “fun” process of making a baby. Walk this rocky path to motherhood with author Stacey Rourke as she openly and honestly shares every good, bad, and awkward step of her three-year long journey. Using humor to break through the perils of infertility, she gives the lowdown on all the strange, embarrassing, and heartbreaking aspects. Stacey guides us through an unforgettable path that ends with a kid on each hip and hope for all those suffering with infertility. 

BONUS MATERIAL: “Morsels of Hope”
Success Stories from Infertility Survivors

Buy I'm Not Crazy, I'm on Lupron: A Journey Through Infertility at Amazon and B&N

If you are facing your own struggles, Stacey wants you to know you aren't alone.

Chat with Stacey Rourke
Wednesday, July 3 at 11:00 am eastern
Twitter: #Infertility

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For more information about infertility visit these sites:
Resolve: The National Infertility Association - www.resolve.org
International Council on Infertility Information – www.inciid.org
American Fertility Assoc. -  www.theafa.org

Disclosure: A GWR Publicity event paid for by Anchor Group Publishing. Giveaway is sponsored by the author who is responsible for the delivery of prizes. PAGES OF MAYHEM received no compensation for this post.


if you want to make God laugh...

....say/sing it with me "tell Him your plans"....

One of my life passages is Jeremiah 29:11-14, which says: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile."

I think one of the biggest things that people stress about is plans: plans for future, for children, for day to day activities, etc. In Jeremiah, God declares that He knows the plans He has for us. I have never really thought about the saying "If you want to make God laugh tell Him your plans" in relation to Jeremiah 29:11. He already has plans for our life - so why do we allow ourselves to stress about making those plans for ourselves? God says clearly, that when we seek Him with all our hearts, we will find Him! So, God laughs when we try to take the planning of our lives into our own hands because He has the Master Plan.

I cannot say that I have an "easy" time not planning - those that know me know how schedule, planning, and to-do list oriented I am. And I cannot say that I am stressed about it all the time - but I do know that I need to get better about not taking so much time to plan every little detail of my life out, and spend more time at the feet of Jesus and in His word.

{kind of a side note: While I was still a member of the work force, I worked in a small office with about 8 people. We had an open floor plan and there were only 2 men. So, you can imagine that, even on a good day, we sometimes would be annoyed with each other, or have a hard time concentrating in general on our tasks. I found myself stressing out daily because I couldn't concentrate on my tasks and my to-do list for the day because I could hear every keyboard clicking away at each of the desks and hear every detail of every phone conversation. For those of you who don't know me well, I graduated college with a degree in American Sign Language interpreting - so, part of my training was to hear everything going on around me so I could accurately interpret for the person I was serving. Therefore, noises easily distract me and make my head spin to the point of being overwhelming at times. I have the ability sometimes to shut this "extra sensitive" hearing off, but more often than not, while I was working, I would be overwhelmed. So - I came up with an acronym to help me during those "flipping out" moments.}

"When face with STRESS remember to breathe!!"
Satan Tries to Ruin Eternal-minded Security & Sanity
Believe that the Redeemer Endured All, so Trust Him for Endurance

Satan tries to distract us from our true focus by making us think we have to plan our life down to the minute details. However, our true focus needs to be serving Jesus by loving and serving others around us. This journey can be TOUGH - we stress out and become frazzled, and, therefore, less effective in the roles that Jesus has called us to. Again, I cannot say that I am and expert at this by any stretch of the imagination, but I had an epiphany, so I thought I would share. Maybe you have thought about all of this before, so it is a reminder to you. Maybe this is a new perspective for you on something that has been on your mind or that you have been stressing out about. Either way, I hope that it will make a difference to someone.

Until next time - remember to breathe!


sippy cup woes

I am beginning to think that I may lose my mind before my little man decides he will take his milk out of a sippy cup! I have to remind myself that, along with trying to transition to a sippy cup, his tummy is trying to adjust to whole milk and table food. He will take his milk out of a sippy cup if he is eating in his high chair, but only if we offer it to him after he has had several bites of food. However, when he is finished with his meal, and we move to the couch (the transition we would make after every meal of baby food for him to take his bottle), he refuses to finish his milk out of a sippy cup. He cries and cries and cries! If I put the milk in a bottle, it disappears like he has been thirsty for hours! But even then, he would prefer warmed milk to cold milk. He will drink water and juice from a sippy cup while playing in the living room without issues. My little man may just drive me to the crazy house. 
On the flip side - I have to remember that each and every day he is changing, growing, and learning new things. I also have to remember that I have trouble with change, so, why wouldn't my little man have trouble with change. In his little mind, transition from high chair to couch means he will get a warm bottle of formula - not a cold sippy cup of whole milk. Objection to change without warning begins EARLY! With repetition,  and patience on my part, he will eventually take his cold milk out of a sippy cup. In the mean time, I need to slow down, breathe, and enjoy my snuggle time!


Cover Reveal: Sidekick Chronicles Volume II: A Pirate's Tale

The call of the sea.

The promise of adventure.

For Rowan Wade, the need to return to his swashbuckling ways is enough to betray the 

only woman he’s cared for in over three hundred years.

With vengeance in his heart, he’s determined to exact his revenge on those that mutinied 

against his father.

The arrival of an unlikely ally challenges Rowan’s plans. Her goal isn't to stop him, but to 

lead him on a journey of self-discovery to unravel the mysteries of the twisted path that led 

him to the Dark Army.

Will it be enough to make the pirate shift course? Or will he be lost forever in a rum-

induced haze? Hoist ye colors and prepare to set sail with the Gryphon Series’ favorite 


What people are saying about the series
"The series in a whole is quite amazing. It leaves you breathless with all the cliffhangers, hot sexy men, and the courageous heroine! 
Dying for more while agonizing over when the next book come out.
~ M. Abbott

" The Gryphon series Is packed with supernatural creatures, action, romance and comedy. The characters are so awesome, you will want to meet them for real. 
These books hooked me and my non reading teenagers and won't let go!
~H. Alexander'

"Oh My Gryphon! This series is great and I love how Stacey Rourke takes her humor and sassiness and brings it to the next level!"
 ~M. Williams

"The first that I was actually able to get my teen-aged daughter to read! She then came back begging me to grab her the whole series!
Sure to make you LOL time and time again, so be warned of where you read!"
~ Phenomenal Reviews

Find her books
All of her books are currently only $0.99
The Conduit
About The Author

Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012.
2012 InD'tale Rone Awards Finalist for Young Adult Teen Romance
Stacey Rourke is the author of the Gryphon Series. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, drooly dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this series as well as other literary projects.
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From time to time, I will "feature" businesses owned by people that I know; we should all support small business & entrepreneurs.

If you, or someone you know is looking for employment, and you are struggling with writing your resume or need help with interview skills, turn to InterviewSnob!

Gala Jackson is my former college roommate. She is an exceptionally talented professional.

Visit her website for more information:   http://www.interviewsnob.com

here i go....

I have been contemplating starting a blog for a long, long time. I think about topic ideas: books, acronyms I have created, scriptures that inspire me, projects I have completed, etc., etc., etc. Finally, I decided, it is my blog, I can post about all those things and more! So, here goes. No promises will be made about how often I will post, but I can tell you that it will definitely be a plethora of topics - hence the name, pages of mayhem!